Feb 23, 2012


好Stress 啊啊啊啊~


阿拉以为自己ok   直到一连串的失眠困扰着阿拉

太多没必要的负担 终于都病了

忙生活 也没有真正给自己找个出口

下星期 NATAS Fair 结束后去圣淘沙海边放松一下吧 

写完了 我会加油的! Basha Basha!!


Feb 17, 2012

Company Annual D&D 2011

After DingDongDiang for a few venues
Management eventually decided MARINA BAY SANDS 
for our company annual D&D

 MBS is a well-known top luxury hotel in the town
that bring you best creature comforts and cost you a bomb
to show da great appreciation to we staff & agents' hardwork in the past 12months
So we are all in da bed of roses naow =D

MBS from near 

MBS from far

 MBS from top (Skypark)

Very delightful design roof top pool in da Skypark

Best night view of Singapore city from da Skypark 

So this is da GRAND BALLROOM
loves the delicate crystal rain chandelier

A pleasing corridor to da open air smoking area hah

                                                         View of outside from da ballroom

The prizes prep for lucky draw!
Was aimed for da first prize of cash $2888 yea!

Wynn's in gypsum cuz of the road accident, and she's okay now.

Hot chics kat reception

Everyone is so into the 70's RETRO night


D&D stand for "dinner and draw" in Singapore
That means everybody dinner tog, ladies in their 6inch-like heels,
fully doll up, photo-taking and then wait for the lucky draw. (@,@)v

No? Okay it's actually "dinner and dance",
Cuz company make money bosses happy 
When bosses happy they wanna dance
When bosses wanna dance they buy us dinner
When they buy us dinner we all happy
When we all happy we dance together (@,@)b

It's a party that let your hair down n celebrate with your bosses and colleagues
Damn great when working patners gathered and not talkin bout work!
I mean it makes work even smoother thereafter, I swear haha!

So here goes
Make up & hairdo credited to Momo Joanne

Alla and golden heart lady Nadirah

Mama Jenny and Alla

China babe Rachel

Alla, Rachel, and da drama King Haibo 

Haibo and Alla with da very young boss Ah Boon
New promoted Lady Julynn, no they ain't couple ;)

Forgot his name but all attendees'll nvr forget his face since that night
Even MC Justin pick him up to da stage to make fun with him

Nobody get to draw until everyone drink and dance
Hah that's da tricks to hold da night longer!

So finally come to Lucky draw session,
Somehow, eventually Alla giv up my chance to others and left da fancy place
for 2nd round!
Nah absolutely not there!

It's actually a bar,
Just bcuz of a call frm u dude.

So here we are at Bar No.5 @ Emerald Hill
u may click on da link to see what says about this
then perhaps u'll get some ideas abt why Alla left da party!


We ride motor there hah! So exciting and recal my childhood memory.
 Alla had so much fun that night till da next morning,
Alla has bought some closed frens there before and they like this bar all,
No.5 really a best place to chill cuz buddy can really talk there,
oh don't forget to ask for peanuts between ur drinks ;)

Seeya *xoxo*

Feb 3, 2012

Seoul Good Part III

阿拉最期待的行程之-- 滑雪篇!!
滑雪前还去吃烤肉  这家餐厅超级赞:twisted:
经过山区 景色美得要命
途中还下雪了 车轮不停打滑
导游Eric 摄影大哥小宋 还有小妹阿拉
在雪中跑下Highway 用路边的沙袋帮助车子再次发动
好不容易 终于到了

 来啦! 滑雪度假村 这次用O2 Resort
例牌有厨房 客厅 有雪场 温泉。。
楼下当然还有Family Mart, 买点材料
p/s: 用完记得 稍微帮人家收拾好 ;-)


终于到了 团友们怕我们工作人员太累
叫我们不用查房 早点休息 好甜的团友啊
另外一团(上路很斜的雪岳山)来电   说被困在雪中两个多小时了
团友在车上冻得难受  开始吵闹  也没有救援来到
最后车子实在上不了山   每个团友拖着行李走1 km   找宿舍过夜
师傅再把巴士车搞定 才回去休息

大早, 哇...很美...很喜欢

来滑雪咯!! 阿拉很兴奋以为又可以滑雪的说=D 
帮客人穿戴好雪具 拿好配备 下雪场去咯!
 咦? 阿拉的雪鞋呢? 
导游啊  呃... ...阿拉的配备呢? 
 嘿导游 阿拉忙完了 让阿拉下去玩吧!!
 导游 :"你不要滑啦 免得我还得照顾多你一个"
阿拉 :"我自己会滑啊"
导游 :"别玩了 下场去扶客人一把"
阿拉 :"... ..."
别说你不会 不敢跟阿拉一起滑
 就这么样 阿拉踩在雪场上了还是没的滑

打骂了导游两句之后 跟小宋在雪场忙了好久
雪飘得一身都是 团友们跌的跌 飞的飞 玩得不亦乐乎

才发现是师傅的生日呢 他还做好饭"宴请"我们

 我们师傅帅气的背影 韩国对长者特别尊敬 阿拉没有很敢拍

蔬菜锅, 生菜包煎牛排, 泡菜, 海苔拌饭, 香肠, 韩国草莓...
一桌子的 好丰盛的说:twisted: 
感激他们给阿拉准备了那么美味的一餐 还教阿拉韩国吃饭喝酒的礼仪
最后导游还给寿星一个白包 利利是是

 有点tipsy 回房睡觉

老哥说很美... ...后面的风景

约好下个冬天跟老哥来 =)

原本关闭的 夜间滑雪场 因为降雪量够多购厚 又重新开启
但是度假村没有通知 搞得有点紧张

在雪场里 导游:"想滑吗? 你现在可以滑了"
导游:"呵呵呵...炸鸡没得吃了 我请你吃乌冬面吧"


之后阿拉就回到首尔逛大街咯 得空再继续接PART IV =)...