Mar 24, 2011



这是什么? 是Alla中学的簿记本
现在上Diploma的Accounting Module,

从美美的字转成缭乱的字体 就是从簿记开始


对喇 最近就是忙这个。

冲冲忽忽之中 认识了一些以前未曾见识过的 贱人
感激 你免费给我上了一课
失望 为了教育你的师长们
不见你们不长一智 buay paiseh的贱人


Mar 19, 2011

Kia Su



送上一张Jeju island, Korea的照片,因为想念

Mar 14, 2011

We needa break up!!

Things-do-do++  Fidget++  Insomnia ++
Ma skin turning into yellow colour,

Okay i got no time to yell'n
i gotta get OUT OF RUINS asap.
Keep going look forward,
the endless night going to end soon, so soon.
Sorry leave Alla alone
I love you but i love ma freedom more
I love you but i love maself ma skin more
Sry TV we needa break up so sry...


Mar 11, 2011

Fashionista Runway D&D 2010

Okay Here is the D&D--Dinner & Dance 2010
Fashionista Runway D&D ROCKSS!!

However Alla not a high fashion person,
thus dressed up with simple and decorous that's it.

Ahah!! Come out with e good girl look, any golden tortoise for me tonight??

It's a happening year-end dinner organised by
ma company--Huttons Real Estate and Savills  

Venue was in Marina Bay Sand Ball Room,
 it's the 1st yr i join Huttons Group it's the 1st time Alla dine here.

OMG it's just so luxurious so gorgeous!!
Now u can understd y is tis my dream co hehee=).  

The splendour display and 5 star service,
chinese style dinner worth SGD1580++ or 1680++ per table ...forgot.

Woah...all eyes on the fantasy grand crystal light, cicak cicak.. 
Aiyer whr is this kampung girl fr??!

Menu of the night, oops its actually vegetatian menu to serve our Malay colleagues. So nice hor

Arhhh e desserts seems nice....but for vegetarian only =.="
swallow saliva.

Ok this is for Alla table

"He" is one of the performancer, pro joker

Good show  They make evione stop eating and laugh*CLAP CLAP*

Not forgot to mention DJ Thomson for e night,
Guess he a DJ frm e Disco cuz he cant stop himself frm dancing on e stage while speaking
He as well made evibody laugh

Okay lucky draw time lots grand prize to giveaway, free trip, ipad, TV etc.
but Alla got noth. *Cry*

So called D&D,
Of cuz we gg to dance la.
Yea my tauke and tauke sau in the house,
They dance all e way till light's on again,
They are energetic and very kind person
yes e most kind boss ever frm Alla know.

Then i grab a cab home and pack ma things as the next morning,
owh i should say later on going to aiport to catch a flg to KL,
my darl darl all waiting for me in KL ya.  
ok sry dun vomit at ur keyborad.


Mar 10, 2011

KL の Days♥ II

清晨 最后一天在KL
淡淡无味 不像是KL的作品 但是老板娘很索

可能味蕾还没醒吧 Alla昨晚跟Reymen看午夜场《天天好天》
根本没有高潮 不过人人叫好
OK的 Alla会期待下一部 M'sia Boleh!! 二嘛

完了之后 他载Alla到Pavillion见老友
Alla特地早到了去逛逛 早习惯了一个人逛

所以这次去买紧紧的 直接买skinny jeans
怎知道 洗后缩水 fml
so, 原谅我的jeans好像包粽子酱贴身
魔镜魔镜 该不该买这么高的鞋? @Forever 21

在Forever 21遇到老友
当当当年的first love 喔噢 @.@  (口吃啊?)
不懂可可可不可以酱叫 Alla就当做是拉呵呵  
前晚还推了他的约会 因为安排了和别的朋友见面
怎知就碰上了 太巧
给他挑了件格子衬衫 他就买来当新年衣

阿龙来了 见了忠龙 吃了他欠Alla很久的Nando's Chicken

谁会想到 带沙滩椅来上课的人会当老师 而且是很有爱心的幼稚园老师
下次回来还要再听老师讲故事 呵~

当时还说 "下次拿薪水再请你们吃!"
一转眼就3年    特怀念♥
应该是KLCC   刚帮韩国老板做完Exhibition Fair

龙买了一张跟小孩一样大的卡 哎哟 又要用车载去新加坡

走到Lot 10的十号胡同   猜Alla撞见谁??

DaRang~  张镇翔Zzen Zhang
他还很亲切跟我笑咧 哦买尬 帅到脱裤~~♥♥♥
在新加坡演奸角很出色 只差不懂他的名 不然抓来拍照
人家跟KL女友拉埋天窗 回来KL办喜事
对啦 又是一个KL leng zai.

哦啊啊...Alla就说KL还是最好 到处有仔gap~
忠龙顶不顺Alla了 呵呵哈哈 Xp

第二天要下Negeri Sembilan 走前当然要见下前室友
哪 这些就是Alla的颠婆室友们
去Kuchai Lama吃火锅 还拿人家帅哥店长开玩笑tim
最后他还送我们member card这个那个 大方的帅哥
说实在 住在中华宿舍的日子是最最难忘的
看过《六楼后座》吗   差不多是那种感动咯

2nd round 去Sunway打pool,然后归家Ooi oi...zzZ
以前的BarCelona那边现在玩Pool要RM20/hr  玩多几场就可以"甩裤"了


打开眼就在森州了 感觉是被老豆从床上直接拉上车的 没醒过

--马口,森州の出名牛腩粉 好像还没到马口 应该在马头 LOL

Gorgor(黑衣)是game神, 打game很神所以叫game神!! LOL

看Alla的老豆 几十岁去游乐场玩到比我们还开心
真是。。。可爱啦♥ (笑)

晚上 三姑六婆姨妈姑姐叔伯兄弟表弟表妹 到齐了
人多 分两桌

森州晚上很闷嗒 九,十点就静静了
半夜两三点又热闹喇 mat sempit赛车咯

年三十晚就酱 看下烟花 帮姨妈外婆包下红包 串下门子 挺无聊的 不过Alla likey
初一又去跑马场 打Pool还输给老豆  这时他就不cute了 =.=
明年就会赢的!! 嗯嗯!!


Mar 8, 2011

What's So Busy

Am quite free recently
Some peps cannot stop thinking dreaming imagining when they are free or not even  free
they think of $$$$$ even calculate e past & e future income/expenses.
Well Alla is exisisting as this kind of person so realistic hor
Alla works hard to run her clumsy mind at e slot in between e busy time.
and some of e thoughts have been praticing like this...

Alla and partners start running an online shop,
And this Banana@Taipei Designer Bags is HOTIE LAUCHING right now!!

All 10 colours are available for customer choice.

Eco-friendly material with produced at handful number only.

Original from Taiwan

It's loved at first sight and the respond is good.

After purchased this for resale, it's trends spread over the world like HK Aussie.
and the price is rising thus Alla thinks her taste is popular means good 
 it's good market dynamic as well ryte 
Alla guess she managed pretty good 1st strike. 
Having say that, we also take pride in offering the lowest price in international resale market.

Feel like ordering? well Alla just wana share ma story here,
Please don't order or make inquiry here tks.
If u likey, pls click here for more info.


Am trying so hard to practice my to-do list in 2011 as it's a lucky Lunar Year.
Owh evi year is lucky to me
"Poom!!" Arrived!!
Alla cant wait to post it to ma clients, getting excited.
It's abt achievement man!  

So ma free time being so busy, sometimes we get frustrated annoyed defeated
But it's about the going thru progress ryte?
 At least least we put in effort to practice our thoughts.

And ofcuz, Alla mind is not all abt $$$
U friends occupied ma mind sometimes =)


Mar 2, 2011

Mind your health

Why this photo?????!!
Its was taken last yr winter at -40degree celsius Harbin x__x
Recently e weather was freaking cold especially when it's raining
Sumore S'pore aircond eviwhr
It's kill'n alla, not feel'n well these days. 
Even wearing jacket whole day stil feel like in e fridge.
Back pain, neck pain, and leg cramp. Aiyo, ma machine getting old.
Ms.Pig is sick too, oh dear.

I think i should have to brg umbrella eviday like raining season in December.
And wear thicker jacket to office.
Oh yah this one just nice.









just kidding nah. I wont do that kay. 


Mind ur health friend, do put on more clothes.